Chapter 13

Chapter 13
The experience of empire for conquered peoples was broadly similar whoever their rules were. Does the material in this chapter support or challenge this idea?      Page 589
The material in this chapter challenges this idea. The European conquest in the Americas had a much different and horrific effect on the conquered peoples than the Chinese, Mughal, and Ottoman Empires. In the Americas the indigenous peoples died off in large numbers due to war, Europeans infectious diseases that they had no immunity to, and the arduous labor they were forced to endure. They were viewed as inferior, and especially in the Spanish colonies their traditional cultures and religions were usually suppressed.  
In contrast in the other three empires, religious differences were generally tolerated. The conquered peoples were not viewed with the disdain that greeted the Native Americans. The conquered peoples of the 3 empires even utilized the conquered people in government.    There was no catastrophic decrease in population.


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