Chapter 7 I found it interesting

Chapter 7
I found it interesting to read about the difference between the silk roads and the sea roads. Because of the long distances and the high cost of travel the silk roads mainly were involved in luxury goods. While men were mainly involved in the trade, women were the producers. Women were also mainly the consumers. On the other hand, because ships could carry larger cargos, the sea road products were destined for mass market. Instead of carrying silk, ships carried textiles, spices , timber, rice, sugar and wheat.  The sea roads also led to a greater mixing of different cultures. The sea roads connected Eurasia to Africa and the Middle East. At many important ports on these sea roads people from many different cultures lived side by side with the indigenous peoples of that area.
I never realized before that the ethnic integration we associate with the United States was actually ongoing many centuries ago.
Strayer Page 285, 292


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