Extra Credit : Is a time to challenge and attempt to make change

I believe now is a time to challenge and attempt to make change. A black person being killed by the police or authority figures is nothing new in this country.  The brutality of slavery and lynching of black men  and women is part of our history. While lynching and police brutality have aroused passions and political action in the past, there has never been a reaction like what we have seen  the past week and a half.

Why have there been ten days of nationwide daily demonstrations all across the  United States and even throughout the world? Certainly, a lot of it has to do with the video of George Floyd being slowly murdered over the course of 8 minutes  46 seconds while he repeatedly begged for his life.  This combined with the callous expression on the face of policeman Chauvin, the impassive expression on the face of policeman Thao, and the failure of the other 2 policemen to intervene.

Photos: Outside the George Floyd memorial service in Minneapolis ...

Mugshots of George Floyd suspects

I think the COVID-19  pandemic is also playing a role. People are stressed from the social isolation necessitated by the pandemic. They are also stressed by the widespread loss of jobs, and the inability to pay their rent and to buy food. Interestingly, the fact so many people are unemployed is likely a factor in the size and ongoing nature of the demonstrations.
It has been impressive that a large number of the demonstrators are white. Perhaps more and more young white people are realizing that the Neoliberal economic policies of our country and the world are leaving a bleak future even for the middle class.   

Photos References:


  1. Hi,

    These images are intense but very real and show the demand for change is long overdue. I appreciate your input and thank you for this post. I believe it is time for the the U.S. and all over the World to make these changes to help humanity. We are all one human race and this needs to continue to push forward. Much love for posting this! Please be safe and take care.


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